
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How would seeing an Unidentified Flying Object effect your reality?

MUFON International is one of the primary organizations that receives reports of UFO sightings and encounters into a database and is the only organization to actively investigate the reports received.  MUFON Internationl is a private organization of volunteers and is not under the direction of any government or commercial entities.   If one searches through MUFON's CMS database or the Live UFO Map, they will come across cases in which a witness / observer has experienced a reality changing event.  Some witnesses report having had a wonderful experience leaving them with feelings of calm, gratitude and unity and others report having experienced different levels of psychic or telepathic abilities.

Courtesy Jim Livingston and Jim Livingston Photography&#169
Often these individuals are able to accept the fact that reality is not quite as they held it to be, even if they do not understand the encounter or what they are supposed to do to incorporate this new reality into their lives.  On the other side of this coin are those other witnesses whose reality is so disrupted that it seems the effects of experiencing such an event rip into every aspect of there being.

When one is effected so profoundly by such a life changing experience as a close encounter with an object that is not supposed to exist, the entire concept of reality can be so shattered as to be unable to cope.  What used to be a normal day with mundane task can become a series of challenges that just do not seem to make sense any more.  Fortunately for most, time and proper counseling can eventually help these individuals to mend most of the pieces together such that they are able to participate in life again.  They are eventually able to go beyond just existing and going through the daily motions to actually engaging, thinking about and interacting with their friends and loved ones.

What is the reason for some individuals having positive experiences while others are unable to comprehend and adjust to such a paradigm shift and what can be done to help them and others to more easily accept these changes in reality?  I have only but a hypothesis but one worthy of scrutiny and examination.  It is possible that individuals who see their experiences as positive had before their encounter some form of acceptance of the existence of either man-made or non-terrestrial UFO or the possibility of beings of higher intelligence in this universe beyond Earth?

There is insufficient data to presume one way or the other if an individual's predisposition to accepting the existence of UFO has any bearing or significance on a witnesses reaction to the experience of a close encounter.  Without the data to back this supposition one can not say that a person's level of acceptance is the key to the difference between a persons close encounter being a positive and uplifting experience or a life shattering event.  This very proposed idea however is exactly what I propose.

There are a few cases in which it is reported individuals having difficulty after a close encounter expressing that UFO are not supposed to exist.  Like wise there are some cases reporting individuals who are able to easily accept a close encounter experience often express a predisposition to accepting the existence of UFO or intelligent life on other planets.  If a person is predisposed to accepting these possibilities it makes sense that these witnesses would be able to easily incorporate the experience of encountering a UFO up close and personal into their present reality.

This possibility of helping citizens to more easily cope with such a major experience is a very good reason to promote awareness of the presence of UFO if evidence supports this.  In order to collect this data it is equally important to promote MUFON as the organization to report UFO experiences and sightings.  As of the writing of this post we do not yet have the data to back this hypothesis but it is possible for this problem to be resolved.  If the databases to which UFO sightings and experiences are reported contained fields to record the witnesses then current level of acceptance to the possibility of the existence of UFO as well as the individuals level of response to their experience being on a scale between positive to life shattering, we would accumlate the evidence necessary to determine whether the proposed hypothesis is valid or not.

There are many reports and records stating that individuals of power withhold information on UFO for the reason they fear that the public would not be able to accept the existence of UFO as part of their reality.  If evidence were present indicating that the acceptance of the possibility of UFO helped individuals encountering close encounters was in fact true this would be a major milestone and a huge success for the ufology community as a whole.  More importantly we would have evidence supporting that public awareness of the possibility of UFO could prevent or reduce witnesses requiring therapy after a close encounter and support the release of an previously suppressed information .

Which side of the coin do you want to be on?  The evidence and testimony exist today within the MUFON database and archives validating the existing of UFO.  There is no question they are present in our skies.  The only questions remaining is what are these objects, where are they from and why are they present in our skies.  To this end we rely on witnesses reporting to MUFON, providing the data necessary to help answer these questions.

You can access MUFON's website at

1 comment :

  1. Wonderful article and insights! I accepted the existence of UFO long ago, the very first time I 'encountered' them. I am not arrogant/ignorant enough to think that all I see is all there is! Thanks for a great article. In fact, I have spent all my life since age 14 in breathless, decided anticipation of a recurrence! Livewelltoday/DrinkTeaAlways! sd
