40 years ago Steven Spielberg released the first major production movie on the subject of Unconventional Flying Objects or UFO.
The film includes components associated with the more compelling reports of UFO encounters including sightings reported by commercial airline pilots, Air Traffic Controllers and police and law enforcement. It explores the potential paradigm and life changing experiences by individuals having had experienced an encounter including mental and/or possibly psychic contact with an unknown intelligence associated with the amazing craft.
Scientist are portrayed investigating the trail of evidence ranging from collecting trace and physical evidence to questioning individuals that have had experiences as part of their investigation in an effort to get an understanding of the unconventional craft and their occupants. The film even portrays the military's extensive cover up to thwart any public awareness of the phenomenon. If you have not watched the movie I will not spoil the ending but will say that for a film from the late 70's (1977 to be exact) in a public forum Spielberg did an awesome job portraying the subject.
Today the topic of UFO is a subculture of the current paradigm. We know a little more today than our parents and mentors knew before us thanks to the investigative groups
like MUFON and CUFOS that rallied and refused to accept the government and military attempts to deny the existence of any non-terrestrial craft in our skies. We are still investigating and looking for those small pieces of information to help build on our current foundation of knowledge. The significance of this film on our society and the public's response in accepting the presence of non-terrestrial life was recognized by the United States Library of Congress when they selected it for preservation in 2007. I encourage everyone that has never seen this excellent movie, on the week of September 1st go to your local theater and watch this epic film. To those that are veterans of the film I encourage you to go out and join the younger generation and show your support for this historic film as well as the topic as a whole.