
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

One of "Their's", one of "Our's" or something from beyond?

Many are talking about the event of October 25 over Northern California and Oregon involving an unidentified white craft flying through FAA controlled airspace. Knowledge of this event was initially limited to those directly involved then percolated through the aviation career field. Diminutive details were eventually shared with a few including Tyler Rogoway who researched and wrote an article he posted on about the occurrence. The article provides known details at time written including confirmation the event occurred.

A craft flying between 35,000-37,000 feet approximately 750kts northbound was observed at FAA Oakland Center on radar and was found to not be broadcasting a transponder identification and information code. The craft was visually confirmed and observed from a distance and reported by commercial pilots with the last known position being around the Eugene, Portland area. Based on information gather and reported in Mr. Rogoway's article it seems while the craft was able to be tracked by other pilots the FAA was able to maintain an approximate location and track through FAA controlled airspace. 

According to the Air Force North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) F-15s from the 142
NT-34A over Death Valley
Photo courtesy Joe Decker

Fighter wing were dispatched out of PDX Portland to intercept and investigate however based on the information gathered the fighters were instructed to go in the opposite direction of the craft's approximate location. Having worked with air traffic controllers I can say that they take their responsibility for safety of flight seriously. The idea seems a bit odd that Air Force air traffic controllers during such an unusual event, that being of an unidentified craft traversing controlled airspace populated with commercial aircraft, would forget their left from right and send the fighters in the wrong direction by mistake.

The article references an individual reporting a call from the 142FW at PDX to cease inquires regarding the incident and speculation is made the aircraft may have been an Air Force relatively secret and modified 737-200 identified as NT-43A or the "Rat 55". According to another of Mr. Rogoway's articles posted on Foxtrot Alpha the NT-43A employees unique and advance radar to test stealth technologies and assess multiple characteristics to understand the strengths and weaknesses of test aircraft's stealth technologies.

Many have speculated the craft to possibly have been a UFO and that it made an abrupt turn that known aircraft today could not withstand. The advances in airframe technology being developed today undoubtedly enable beta test aircraft to handle maneuvers that would cause a commercial craft to fall from the sky. Although the craft was most certainly unidentified, and based on the information available it does not appear to have been an Unconventional Flying Object.

In Mr. Rogoway's research the FAA refused to comment or even acknowledge the event and though NORAD did acknowledge F-15s were dispatched the 142FW refused to comment. This may have been an instance of a relatively secret aircraft "quietly" traveling through FAA controlled civilian air space and getting caught doing so. The alternative could be an aircraft from a foreign power trying to "take a peak" at our defenses but then if that were the case, chances are strong the F-15s would have definitely not been dispatched in the wrong direction. 

Let me know what you think, Unconventional Flying Object, a Foreign aircraft testing the waters or one of our own taking a shortcut but not asking forgiveness? I'm interested to know your thoughts.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The DoD still investigating and monitoring UFOs

Former government and DoD officials acknowledge UFOs and the US military is still investigating and and monitoring UFO traffic

When the Air Force program for investigating UFOs (codenamed Project Blue Book) was closed in 1969, the public announcement and reason was there was nothing to the UFO phenomena and nothing of interest to report. This statement has been the mantra and paradigm pushed by the media and press ever since and is the founding reason for their snickering or making a mockery of anyone claiming to see or report a UFO.

The argument made by Ufologists and ufo enthusiasts alike is that this public statement from 1969 and resulting paradigm are false and incorrect. On October 11th, 2017 those in the UFO field were vindicated and their arguments validated.  Tom Delonge publicly announced his new company To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science with his officers who have some very interesting backgrounds and important things to say. 

USS Nimitz (
Chris Mellon, FMR Deputy Asst Secretary of Defense for Intelligence publicly acknowledged a UFO encounter off the coast of California by a carrier group including the USS Nimitz. The encounter was published on the military pilot forum and relayed in detail. Mr. Melon confirmed he personally spoke with key participating individuals  involved with the encounter and attested the encounter was valid and real.

Luis Elizondo, FMR Director of Programs to Investigate Unidentified Aerial Threats, USG, informed he ran a program focused on Unidentified Aerial technologies where he personally discovered the UFO phenomena is real.

The important facts to be taken away from the acknowledgement of these individuals are broad and of extreme and vital importance. The fact the UFO phenomena is real is not news for ufologists as we have been reviewing the decades of facts of evidence and witness testimony.

Because the UFO phenomena has now been publicly acknowledged, we as the general public must review all historical information in context of this reality. Reports of UFOs today are commonplace. When documented and reported accurately (Seeing a UFO) they are important but the question regarding these sightings today has to be "Is this technology ours or does it come from another civilization or life form?". This is probably not the most important question we need to be asking.

The documents that originated before 1903, the year the Wright Brothers made their first flight, which include reports of flying objects and crafts are the most important in our history. These reports bring to mind the most important questions for our civilization. 

  • How long have They been here?
  • If They have been with us since before biblical times, are They really a threat to us?
  • Have They openly interacted with us in the past?
  • How has Their interaction with us now changed from Their interactions with us in the past?
  • What must occur for Their interactions with us  to change and become more public?
Religious and historical documents and paintings have been interpreted based on the Pre-UFO paradigm. References and images in these records referring to discs and objects in the skies, of people being carried "on-high" or to other lands have in the past been translated through this now defunct or inaccurate paradigm. These references have been looked upon by scholars as notions of fancy, as religious rhetoric or simply erroneous and misidentification of natural or psychological phenomena.

Today we must now revisit our past as a civilization as a whole. We must reassess our history, our interactions and our reactions at the time to learn what if anything changed. Did our ancestors interact with non-terrestrial intelligences in our past? Did these intelligences or They try to impart upon a fledgling civilization wisdom in survival and guidelines for living and developing as a society? Did our ancestors see Them as the God(s) we have and know today? If the answer to these questions are yes then why do They no longer openly interact with us today?

The questions we have to ask are as important as they are volatile. The paradigm for some is the cornerstone of their reality. Care must be taken when reviewing or influencing an individual's or group's paradigm. We must also review ourselves, our society and civilization to accurately ask and answer the last and probably most important of the questions. 

What if we found the answer was a change that if made would result in a global improvement in quality of life for everyone? Can you envision a life and reality close to that of Star Trek? Would that be so bad? These are all questions that each nation, group and individual must ask of themselves. We must each consider that our conclusions could directly impact our future. What future do you want to see? 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Close Encounter of the third kind, 40th anniversary

40 years ago Steven Spielberg released the first major production movie on the subject of Unconventional Flying Objects or UFO. 
The film includes components associated with the more compelling reports of UFO encounters including sightings reported by commercial airline pilots, Air Traffic Controllers and police and law enforcement. It explores the potential paradigm and life changing experiences by individuals having had experienced an encounter including mental and/or possibly psychic contact with an unknown intelligence associated with the amazing craft.

Scientist are portrayed investigating the trail of evidence ranging from collecting trace and physical evidence to questioning individuals that have had experiences as part of their investigation in an effort to get an understanding of the unconventional craft and their occupants. The film even portrays the military's extensive cover up to thwart any public awareness of the phenomenon. If you have not watched the movie I will not spoil the ending but will say that for a film from the late 70's (1977 to be exact) in a public forum Spielberg did an awesome job portraying the subject.

Today the topic of UFO is a subculture of the current paradigm. We know a little more today than our parents and mentors knew before us thanks to the investigative groups 
like MUFON and CUFOS that rallied and refused to accept the government and military attempts to deny the existence of any non-terrestrial craft in our skies. We are still investigating and looking for those small pieces of information to help build on our current foundation of knowledge. The significance of this film on our society and the public's response in accepting the presence of non-terrestrial life was recognized by the United States Library of Congress when they selected it for preservation in 2007. I encourage everyone that has never seen this excellent movie, on the week of September 1st go to your local theater and watch this epic film. To those that are veterans of the film I encourage you to go out and join the younger generation and show your support for this historic film as well as the topic as a whole.