A large percentage of the world associates UFO with alien beings but the reality is most of these objects are in fact identifiable. Some are found to be known aircraft or space debris while others are celestial stars or planets in the heavens above.
Courtesy Jim Livingston and Jim Livingston Photography© |
To help clarify / classify the unknowns they are currently separated into two categories;
UAV = Unidentified Aerial Vehicle
Other = Other (light ball, transparent objects, etc...)
These "unknowns" are the primary reason I and many others became Field Investigators. The other and equally or more important reason to be an FI is to be of service to those whom often are ignored or otherwise ridiculed for acknowledging what they have observed.
UAV = Unidentified Aerial Vehicle
Other = Other (light ball, transparent objects, etc...)
These "unknowns" are the primary reason I and many others became Field Investigators. The other and equally or more important reason to be an FI is to be of service to those whom often are ignored or otherwise ridiculed for acknowledging what they have observed.
An unfortunate fact is that an extremely large number of observations go unreported. Many don't report because they are afraid ftheir identities would be shared with the public, some fear incarceration by the authorities and others don't think that anyone will listen to them.
It is my hope that these individuals will become aware of and come forward and report their observations with MUFON. We hold the identify of the persons in strict confidence within the MUFON investigation and do not share information with any government or other authorities.
We value the privacy and protection of every witness who comes forward to share their information. And most importantly, we listen to what they have to say. It is true there is a good possibility during an investigation that an observation may be found to be a known object or aircraft but we always listen. We are on the lookout for the 10-15 percent to help us further understand and gain information for those Unknown Aerial Vehicles and Other objects observed in our skies.
I am a Certified MUFON Field Investigator and I'm proud to be of service.